Financial Planning
Financial Planning is a collaboration between the planner and client. It requires the client to be open and transparent about their finances so we can fully and appropriately make our recommendations. The communication allows us to adjust the financial plan as our clients' needs and wants change.
Our service includes advice on investments, taxes, estate planning, retirement, debt management and education. We meet with clients twice per year and keep the lines of communication open throughout the year as questions arise. We also host webinars and seminars on topics that are relevant to our clients.
We charge an onboarding fee to reflect the amount of time to bring a client onboard and to ensure our new clients are engaged in the process. Financial planning is inherently collaborative and we require a considerable amount of data before we can understand our client's financial position and goals. Without client engagement, the process cannot proceed.
While our individual financial planning services are generally reserved for our plan participant clients, we will take on select individuals and families who are interested in our unique services.