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Our Philosophy

Aegis Wealth Partners differs from most plan advisors who only provide generic financial education. We embrace our status as a fiduciary that provides comprehensive financial advice.  We don't just review a participant's 401(k) balance.  We offer recommendations on how they should allocate their hard earned dollars.  But we go far beyond 401(k) talk. We have the experience, expertise and resources to provide advice on a wide range of subjects such as debt optimization and pay down strategies, estate and tax planning, late-stage college planning, student loan repayment strategies, and many more.  We don't shrink at the thought of taking responsibility for our recommendations.  

Why do we go above and beyond what other plan advisors offer?  We know that the majority of Americans want more help on more financial subjects from their 401(k) provider.  We also know that everyone, no matter age or income level, has financial questions and concerns.  More than ever, American workers are under financial pressures and that stress impacts their ability to do their job effectively.  Financial stress causes greater employee errors and accidents as well as putting more pressure on co-workers, Human Resources and managers.  The ripple effect of financial stress throughout an organization can cost a small employer hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in lost productivity, creating operational inefficiencies and ultimately eroding profits and the value of the company itself.  Our focus goes far beyond the 3Fs (fees, funds, and fiduciary) and gets to the heart of employee productivity operational efficiency and business valuation.  

We don't see your 401(k) as a stand alone piece of your company.  Most retirement plans are underutilized and companies don't realize the full value of their plan. We look at the big picture and unlock the value of your plan by focusing on ways to improve employee productivity through our 401(k) work.  We also look for opportunities to help you improve operational efficiency.  By keeping one eye on helping plan participants and the other on how a 401(k) can impact other areas of your business, we ultimately help you to increase the value of your company.