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Our fee structure for individual and family services include:

We use a fee structure that is a hybrid retainer and Assets-Under-Management (AUM) structure.  The fee structure accounts for the different services provided.  You can engage our services for both financial planning and investment management or just one service.  That decision is yours and we will work with you in the manner that suits your situation. College Planning and Student Loan Repayment advice is included in our financial planning package.

Financial Planning:

Onboarding fee: $500

Ongoing fee: $500/month or $1250/quarterly

Investment Management:

Total Assets Under Management (Household Aggregate)Annual Fee
$5,000,001 and up0.25%

Student Loan Repayment (project-based work)

Single or Individual$750 first year. $500/year ongoing
Couple$1250 first year. $750/year ongoing

Late-Stage College Planning (project-based work)

College Planning Service $ 750 for onboarding and 90 minute call

$300/hour for personal planning strategy preparation and call (as requested by client)